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How to Improve Your WiFi Signal

  • Looking for help with WiFi disconnections and slow speeds?
    Use our Scan tool in the Mweb app to diagnose and fix WiFi issues quickly.
  • Having trouble with slow or unreliable WiFi? A weak WiFi signal can disrupt everything from streaming videos to browsing the internet. Here are a few simple steps you can take to improve your WiFi signal and get a more reliable connection.
  • By following these steps, you can improve your WiFi signal and enjoy faster, more reliable internet throughout your home. If you’ve tried everything and still have issues, it may be time to upgrade your equipment or contact support for further assistance.
  • Step 1 of 9

    Place Your Router in the Right Spot

    Your router’s location can have a huge impact on the strength and range of your WiFi signal.

    • Central Location: Place your router in the middle of your home to distribute the signal evenly.
    • Elevated Position: Keep it off the floor, preferably on a shelf or mounted on a wall.
    • Away from Obstacles: Avoid placing it behind large furniture or thick walls, which can block the signal.