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About Hosting and Domains

Find out more about Mweb’s Hosting and Domain products

  • To get your personal blog or small business online you will need a hosting product. Hosting products include both the space online (also called hosting or disk space) for your website content to live AND email addresses that include your selected name and ensure that emails look more professional by including your business name EG:

    Before you select a hosting product you will need a domain name. A domain name is your “address” on the web and is a unique online identity. You will need to select a name and the type of address you want (.com or, but you need to check if your chosen name is available, as it may already be registered and not available. If so, then you’ll need to choose a different name.

    You need both a domain name and a hosting product to get your personal blog or business online.

    About Mweb’s Hosting products

    Mweb offers a range of different hosting products which includes features such as the following:

    • Hosted email addresses
    • Website Self-build tools
    • Database management
    • Access and a management interface called cPanel
    • An FTP account to upload the website onto the hosting space.

    About domains

    Mweb offers the ability to purchase an annual domain. There are a number of options to choose from depending on your budget and goal. Once you have registered your domain name it is entirely yours and no one else can use that name, BUT it is vitally important to remember the domain name needs to be renewed annually to avoid losing your selected name and putting your blog or small business at risk. If you lose your domain you lose your website and email addresses. You can choose from the following common domains.

    • .com / .mobi / .net / .org / .biz / .info
    • .co

    What is the cPanel interface and what does it do?

    cPanel is a web hosting control panel that you use to:

    • Manage your files and permissions yourself
    • Add additional elements such as emails, domains, subdomains, database hosting
    • View and change passwords for emails accounts
    • Create and restore backups