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Managing Mail Settings

How to manage Junkmail Settings

  • Tired of unsubscribing from the same direct marketing list 10 times, or not receiving the newsletter from your Bonsai Club?

    Junkmail filters are great, but they aren’t perfect – luckily you can easily manage block and allow lists on your Mweb mailbox.

    Follow the easy steps in the guide below and take control of spam in your mailbox.

    To manage aliases on your Mweb mailbox, simply login to your account at and follow along.

  • If you’re not sure how to log in you can follow the steps in this guide.

  • Step 1 of 3

    Locate the Mailbox

    Locate the mailbox want to manage Junkmail settings for and click on the cog next to the mailbox service.

    If your mailbox is bundled with your connection you will find it under the included services for that product.

  • Review the guides in this category for other useful mail settings you can manage.